WG 1 | Warfighting and Force Employment | Warfighting and force employment involve planning and decision making focused in the 0 to 3-year time horizon. Potential topics include data collection and lessons learned on military operations, training management, humanitarian relief operations, and impacts on power dynamics and relationships. |
WG 2 | Force Development | Force development efforts are focused on bridging the present and the future in the 2 to 7-year time horizon. Force development efforts include the development of concepts validated by assessment and incorporating emerging innovations. Deliver Army of 2030. |
WG 3 | Force Design | Force design efforts are focused on innovating for the 5 to 15-year time horizon. New concepts and technologies, experimentation, analysis, and wargames all support force design. Design Army of 2040. |
WG 4 | Sustainment | Logistic and facility-related analysis. Includes deploying and sustaining the force; enhancing and accelerating Soldier housing, barracks, and workplace facilities; materiel and fire sustainability, operational energy, distribution, equipment analysis, and test and evaluation. |
WG 5 | Advances in OR, Data Science, and Technology | New methods in operations research (OR), data integration and collection and applications of information technology to operations research problems. |
WG 6 | Recruiting, Talent Management, and People Programs | Improving predictive capabilities for recruiting, examining talent management and retention methods, analysis supporting consolidation of people programs, including acquisition, development, employment, and retention.. |
WG 7 | Modeling and Simulation (M&S) | M&S development, data collection in support of M&S, defining future requirements for M&S applications and best practices in support of wargaming. |
WG 8 | Wargaming | Existing and innovative wargaming techniques and tools, lessons learned, advances in analytical approaches, and data collection and synthesis. |
WG 9 | Data-Centric Multi-Domain Operations | Analysis examining the Army becoming more data-centric to conduct Multi-Domain Operations in contested environments and prevail on the future battlefield. Analysis may include efforts related to the Army Digital Transformation Strategy (ADTS). |
WG 10 | Soldier Well-being | Analysis related to improving Soldier well-being and examining root causes of Soldier issues. Potential topics may include quality of life, Soldier and unit morale, Soldier safety, and other data-driven analysis that may provide recommendations or solutions to decision makers. |
Please reference working group titles on the abstract submission form for consideration.
Abstract submissions are now open. Please return your completed submission form by 21 May. to the AORS staff via email
Abstracts must be Approved for Public Release. Any results of field operations and equipment evaluations are not to be presented or discussed.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to obtain the required release authority from their respective Foreign Disclosure Officer (FDO), PAO, and Operational Security representatives.
All final presentation submissions must be accompanied by a completed AORS Presentation Disclosure Form, provided above as a fillable PDF file for download. The form must be signed by an authorized Foreign Disclosure Officer (FDO) or Public Affairs Officer, as required by your nation.
Presentations may be submitted after confirmation of abstract acceptance. Submit presentations as either a PowerPoint file or PDF file to the AORS Staff via email. Do not submit a presentation if your abstract was not accepted. Final AORS presentations are due by 12 August.
For further information, contact the AORS Staff, at usarmy.belvoir.hqda-dcs-g-8.mbx.caa-aors@army.mil